I appealed my BC Assessment… and I lost

My Assessed Value has been too high since roughly 2018. This year I decided to appeal because we reached a point that it was 15% higher than it should be. I had my hearing with the Property Assessment Review Panel in February and the BC Assessment recommendation was upheld. I was shocked.

I provided a depth of evidence that should be irrefutable. The explanation given?

The Assessor provided a range of value that spanned $307,000. My Assessed Value (although near the high end of the range) was within this massive range so it was deemed acceptable.

I’m upset by many things. The Assessor provided little evidence, but made a statement that she wanted to lean heavily on one high-valued sale near me. I thought I had demonstrated how and why that home was superior to mine in all categories, however they used that as the foundation for the high end of their scale. It’s better than my home in every single way, but one. The one: My home is 200 square feet bigger (1,800 vs 2,000). That 200 square feet is apparently worth a whole lot of money in their eyes.

The path I chose to prove my point seems to have been the wrong one. I have learned that my process is so different from theirs. They would have been quite happy to do a deep dive on just one or two properties and consider the job done. I looked much broader to prove my point across the marketplace.

I will be appealing, which takes it to the Property Assessment Appeal Board (some time in April).